— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The commander, in order to estimate the losses, asks the commanders of combat units to report on the availability of personnel. Those who stood on the guard were awake and in anticipation, and those who were released were slowly wandering with red eyes on cotton legs. Without five eight, everything is in order, there is not only the Sturman of Glory. They start to find out where they were, where they went and all that. It appears. Without a tie and carrying something in his hand. He floats along the line to the stairway, no one is seen.
Glory to you!! - shouts, catching him, the commander, right into Slavino's ear, - the tie is your whereabla?! to
Thou shalt be the chief! - reports Glory and masches with the commander in front of the nose with a full-fledged third-size underwear. Then he tries to put it on his neck.
Glory to you!! “The commander is shouting, it’s a whirlwind!”! to
and Dia? He is surprised and tries to focus his eyes on him.
The Sturmman! Remove it immediately! - The commander ticks his finger into Glory, - Take him on board, I will then love him when he comes to consciousness! In this way, he doesn’t even excite me!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna