— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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History is real. They lived in town, in an apartment.
I go home after work. Dinner is ready, on the table a bottle of favorite whisker is standing. I think they want something from me. They come from far away and walk around. It turns out that we urgently need a dog, a bigger, no less than the alaba. You can’t give in to excuses. There is no life without her. I say, okay, we’re going to go in a week, and this week we’ll be training.
In the evening, I sit on the couch at the TV, the family settles next to me. I stop, where to sit, and who will walk with the dog? and I? Go out for half an hour and walk the dog. On the street in the month of November and the time is nine in the evening. Nothing to do, come together. It was Saturday morning. 8 in the morning. I put my wife side by side. Get up, the kids wake up and walk with the dog. By lunch, the family council decided that they would never need a dog.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna