— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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to the religious. Elected from the new "human rights defender" in the Russian Federation:

“I understood that it was impossible to grasp the foundations of law without the knowledge of moral and moral values and began to study religious literature deeply and seriously, began to meet and talk with Orthodox priests more often.”

You know, yes...

“In my first dissertation, I am one of the first [in Russia] to propose to introduce a rule in the law that no one has the right to testify against himself or his close relatives. I propose a rule that prohibits recognizing as evidence any testimony obtained under pressure, threats, blackmail.”

Disorder about what has existed for hundreds of years in law

The Ministry of Internal Affairs was renamed VČK (All-Russian Emergency Commission, headed by Felix Dzerzhinsky). “And we need to give him [the ministry] the appropriate powers to bring order, keep the country at peace and security.”

Human rights of. We know these people and what right they want to protect.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna