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For this, and for religion in general.

>>> I am very happy with all of this.
Religions, with the exception of Russian language.

What is called “paganism” is not a religion at all, but rather a world understanding, if you want it, a philosophy.

There can be a lot of philosophy.
Faith in what we now call physical or other phenomena (thunder, flame and much more). In principle, the religions that survived and are now practiced have not departed far from paganism - the meaning is the same. The only difference is the belief in God.
In our time, besides Orthodoxy, Protestantism, Catholicism and Islam, there are many other religions - the same Buddhism or Sintoism, many of them.
Dear Philosopher, try to write at least a simple report (I am not talking about the reference:)) - modern religions, it will not even fit in 20 pages.

And about the attitude toward religion I can say only one thing – the current mass religions which are in the ear of everyone are very aggressive. "Insulting the feelings of believers" what is the mill for the law or how there!!! Yes, my bombing begins with this phrase! And that they say to you that you are wrong—or that you go to hell for rejection of God—is not an insult to a citizen of a Democratic country? That is when there will be equality in this matter then and we can talk to the soul on this subject.
Sorry, but these are thoughts in hearing!! to


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