— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Doctors could not help, drugs did not work or did not work as they should - for example, when taking even a small dose of anapriline, I went from tachycardia under 130 to bradycardia 40. I searched everything possible and found nothing.
As soon as the attack began, I sat down to play and the attack passed.
And now attention, the question: should I, when engaged in medical practice, recommend patients with heart rhythm disorders to throw away beta-blockers and pump paladine?
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I guess you didn’t have a psychiatrist. This is a psychosomatic disorder in its pure form. Such patients who have everything okay, but the heart beats and the pressure jumps, need to recommend something from increased anxiety. You can pump paladins, you can drink beer, you can take special prescription pills. But generally - send them to a psychotherapist, there they will solve.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna