— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In the Middle Ages, food and sanitation were not very good.
As a result, constant diarrhea... you will not have time to run to the toilet in the yard from the castle...

This is the fashion of perfume. In India, the same is not just so "aromatic sticks" steam constantly. It’s a hot climate, everything is rotting quickly.

And also watch "The Musketeers" or a similar movie.
Coats, hats with wide fields... narrow streets, often the 2nd floor hangs over the street...

Insects were a problem. All the ladies wore blushes. At night, the legs of the beds were placed in bunkers with water.
It was a little easier in Russia. They washed in the baths more often, could freeze out the same bugs by going to the neighbors for a couple of nights in the frost.


The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna