— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I remembered when I was told the “truth.”
I go home once, and on the bench at the entrance there are three old women sitting and talking. Well, I was a courteous lady, greeted and also stopped to break a couple of phrases. And women tell me with almost conspiracy whispering about what kind of fool our chief in the house – and the doorstep just at his entrance repaired, and the car parking lot for himself equipped, and the money was probably overwhelmed...
And I listen and fall, as it is fashionable to say, into cognitive dissonance. The fact is that the head of the house is my father, a retired man who works as an engineer. And this is the situation from the point of view of our family: the father comes from work tired. And then a bell came to the door: a sanitary technician came with a request to sign the act of the works performed on the repair of the pipe in the basement. The father changes his clothes and, having not eaten, goes into the basement to check the pipe. He discovers that the work has been done halterly and the pipe will not flow today or tomorrow again, and the act does not sign. The next day he climbs into the basement again to take the rework. In the evening, the father sits on the internet and studies the laws. This helped him save 80,000 rubles, which the management company wanted to cut off from the tenants of our house for the prevention of elevators. The father simply wrote a letter to the deputy and the management company, where he referred to the law and to court decisions on similar issues (decisions not in favor of the management companies). This money was paid by the company itself. Naturally, such a thorough approach could not like these comrades, so the too competent head of the house decided to move. For this, rumors began to spread, which came to me through women.
Interestingly, when I told these ladies, they were still sitting with suspicious mines. I explained to them that only at the doorstep of our entrance was the armature, that parking spaces for cars were built at each entrance - you just need to take off the bench and go to see. That personally our family doesn’t need a car parking at all – we don’t have a car. That the work of the chief at home was not paid, that all documents on the arrival / expenditure of funds were checked and there were no claims. I explained and saw that they didn’t believe me. After all, it is so pleasant to rinse in the dirt of a person and so unpleasant to make sure you were wrong! In the end, I offered these ladies to take on the honorary duty of chief of the house – for some reason they refused to do so, referring to their age. She suggested that their children/children were the main ones – “you are what, they are working, they have no time.”
Eventually, my father was removed. At the new meeting of tenants elected a new head - a woman whose girlfriend in the same management company works. When this woman was doing business, the senior on the 5th floor (a man) asked her: "When the roof will be repaired, will you personally go to work? In the basement? And can you determine whether the work is done well or badly?” the woman in response only knocks her eyes. After all, she can count money (a accountant), she can sign papers - and nothing more from her managing company and you do not need.
Not funny, of course, the story. But personally for me the saddest thing is that people choose not only the head of the house, but also the mayor / head of the republic / president on the same principle. The sad thing is that people are willing to believe any ugliness they tell about a decent person. And “on hurra” to take a well-spotted fool.

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