— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I remembered, I was small, 6 years old, my parents left my computer on, to play in the pasion. Shut down, I have to turn it off. And how? The fuck knows him. I was told that a long work could burn. I walk around him, the house is empty. I remember pressing something, but I have no idea. I was upset, I almost cried. I also remember that it cannot be turned off from the router. And time goes by, it works... Well, I think I’ll turn off the socket, it’s better than if it burns. I pulled out, the monitor clicks went, the static probably. Well, I think, fucking, broke (the precious thing was trusted, and that ended). Sit down on a chair and let go.

And then the cat approached me, she is wild, ruthless, and here she will put her neck, and she will blush, and whistle like a tractor. I never gave a puppy again. I kissed her for half an hour and calmed down. The computer then turned on normally and worked for a long time.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna