— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Honest Indian

Sergey and I studied in the first B.
One day, after the lessons, settled at his home to shoot from the real "air".
Not everyone was so lucky - to have a personal gun and not three penny bullets, but shoot as much as you go and wherever you want, only not in the TV screen.
In addition, the gun, even the example was not plastic, but the most real - wooden. Serega was afraid that the "air" with a wooden example beats a hundred times further than usual. Lying probably.
With a precise shot, we exploded the plate, frightened, grinded the fragments and made a small break, or before the arrival of the parents, the plates could quickly end.
Included a telecast, there was a children's film about how the same glorious guys like us and Serega, built the most genuine two-seat helicopter with pedal drive. At the end of the day, they got into trouble – they couldn’t take off. They twisted the screw like angry, but they did not break from the ground. They started dumping excess cargo, even some boards were cut off, but the helicopter did not want to fly for some reason.
We were so permeated by this dramatic story that we immediately decided to urgently build the same helicopter, in order to fly to Siberia to the Indians before the cold winter. We’re going to take off, not those guys from the movie. Here is only the load you need to really reduce and think to the gram. What is most important in Siberia? Of course “air.” How to ease it? Okay, I am trying to give an example. Saying - done, Serega buried in his grandfather's tools, found a saw and immediately crushed the example under the root.
This is where Seregin’s grandfather returned home. He looked at the fresh strawberries, picked up an unfortunate example from the floor and very much wanted to hear something from us.
We told them all. Where was it to go?
Grandfather, surprisingly, took the story of the Siberian Indians seriously and said:

- Listen, guys, your plan is good and I will not answer you, moreover, Sereza, I will cover you from my father, tell him that it is I accidentally dropped a gun from the balcony and the pattern broke on the asphalt, but for this you must promise me that you will take me with you. Three of the Indians. Do you know how I can break the pedals? We will not only take off, but in an hour we will be in Siberia. You just have to wait a little. I will soon be promised to do an operation and remove the German fragment from the knee, then we will immediately build a helicopter and fly away. Without that no.
How long to wait for your operation?
One year, two years, no more.
and oh! It is long!
Don’t worry, maybe six months. By the way, I also have screw boards on receipt.
The boards? Okay we wait.
Here are the good guys. Give me a promise that you will do nothing without me. As soon as I heal my leg, we will immediately build it up.
Give an honest Indian.

Often we gathered together, joked, drawn helicopter drawings, made lists of things necessary for Siberia, in general, seriously prepared for escape. A little more and...

Two years later, his grandfather was buried with a German fragment in his knee.
Serega and I burned for a long time and decided not to fly anywhere, given my grandfather "honest Indian"...


A celebration for you!
Remember all of yours and a little bit of Seregini’s grandfather.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna