— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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At the beginning of May, I heard it on the radio. about the discount on the passage of veterans loudly outraged - they are already over 90! Where will they go!! Clean water piar.
At 10 am, I get on the train to Saratov. Buy clean and the old man sits. Aunt somehow whipped around, the railway fairy nailed him, the man baul arranged. and vanity.
Grandfather pulled them off quickly - remove it says, I will continue to set up myself. Very clearly and powerfully. Everyone stumbled in a moment. I touched and I touched. They met. My grandfather was named Boris. 94 years. Half an hour later he decided to eat and with a trick like this: And what, there will be no drink? I put out a bottle of cognac, and my grandfather vodka. Nolily, they ate, well, and I see that grandfather was strong, began to ask about the war. He told me simple and ordinary, as if it was yesterday. And about the lack of communication in the troops, and about the fact that even in the aviation only the commander of the line had a racy, and the rest were winged... He told that the liars-historians still repeat about the fraudulent attack... What they do not want to know about the fact that the Germans in advance the note was presented about the beginning of the war, a memorandum on many pages: for what reasons... At the same time, all the time hit the open door of the coupe and looked at the passers occasionally on the wagon, and then asked to close it.
He also told about how he himself rescued guns from the reserve of the Commander-in-Chief’s Stack in Ukraine at 41. More than 200 guns were cut off after the air strike, but the cars and tractors were bombed.... We found several tractors in nearby colloquials and MTS and brought dozens of guns on them. The others exploded.
To his only delivered six.Yes, and the fighters brought half of the 32..
And in May 45, somewhere in Hungary, celebrating the victory with three friends officers, I told this story and about the fact that it was the lack of leadership and communication with the troops that cost us in 41 almost the entire personnel army (about 6 million. of man). In the morning, two "friends" wrote a personal note and he received 10 years of camps. I am glad that you have the right to mail.
Grandfather fell asleep peacefully, and I never fell asleep until Saratov. How not to get angry? They survived...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna