— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A friend recently told me a story that happened to her. A few words about her: pretty cute, smart, educated and most importantly, her father is a big man in the organs.

Now to the story itself. As I wrote before, she was smart and this was reflected in her way of re-writing. All spikes, points and other signs of intersection were taken into account all the time. She wrote very literally. But one day her father received a text message from her saying, "Dad, I'm staying with a friend today, you can't worry." But here it just started. The first thing that the father noticed was the absence of a tail before the appeal, then a few more mistakes were found. At first, he called all of her friends, but after receiving a negative response, he no longer started to worry. Here it began. The story silences how he was able to track her phone, but still about an hour later a special forces unit broke into the house where there was the phone and there she was lying on the bed, unconscious and connected. The boy was in the shower, but was quickly bound.

Here is this. Literacy saved lives.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna