— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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We live in a private house. 8 in the morning, I wake up from the phone call, a girl calls, then a dialogue, where I - I, D - Girl :

(D) - Glory, I am here in the parking lot a strange car scratched, the owner is not, what to do?

(I) - Well, climb on the wheels or leave a note, not to go to GAI for scratches

Okay, but where is the bumper?

0 0 0 What type of buffer?

(D) Well our bumper

Put it in the luggage.

What about his bumper? No need, the owner has come, I will call back.

As a result, minus 2 bumper and dull procedures in GAI

Do not neglect the mirrors.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna