— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Answer to Parents:

The teacher of the son sent a letter: "The 11-year-old boy was sad at school" and suggested that the reason was a break with the girl he met. How do you respond to such a letter, except "you are all there fucking?and "

Thank you to the vigilant teacher! Ask yourself: Is it possible that a teacher who monitors a teenage son every day sees what I miss? Try to talk gently with your son about his girlfriend and (from his answers) understand what their relationship really is. I am serious! Maybe not friendship, namely relationships - not only with walking the pen, but also with kisses, hugs and even petching!!! It may be time to have a serious conversation with him about contraception, if you do not want your son to become a father at the age of 12-13.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna