— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The largest iPhone assembler replaced 60,000 workers with robots

XXX: So why should it be? Robots are more expensive, you can't feed them with rice, they require energy, except that they work 4 hours a day more than a person.
YYY: Work faster, better quality, 24 hours a day. They don’t go to the toilet, don’t get sick, don’t get killed and don’t go to court. They do not need training and do not go on vacation.
to continue?
ZZZ: No, we still get sick, die and require training. And yes yes.
XXX continues on. Working from the rotor, zero is spent on their production?
WWW: How much is spent on human production?
QQQ: 5 minutes and 9 months

To 5 minutes and 9 months of human production, add at least 16 years of programming.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna