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The cleaners

They smile and say that cleaning is their hobby, and the love of cleanliness is considered the best of their qualities. Coming home from the street, they dress up naked on the threshold, without touching anything, take a shower, and only washing off the "street dirt", go to their "sterile" rooms. Signs of misophobia include fear of any pollution, avoidance of public places, reluctance to touch surfaces that other people have come into contact with. Sometimes the fear is so strong that it causes nausea, panic, the desire to escape. People prone to this fear greatly exaggerate the possibility of getting sick, which is carried by microbes, and perceive any contact with dirt as potentially life-threatening.
Scientists have long proven that people who are constantly engaged in bringing their territory to shine are more likely to get sick. Passion for purity weakens immunity, making the body more vulnerable to bacteria. Purity obsession leads to the spread of various types of allergic reactions, in addition, "cleansers" are more likely to develop depression.

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