— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I took a day train from Moscow to Belgorod. With me in the coupe a woman of 30 years with a son (in appearance - 10 years old, although I can be mistaken, in children not especially sick). He almost immediately fell asleep, so I realized that in Moscow they were in transit and were driving tired. Well, I, then I read the book, then I throw into the nard on the tablet. And a conductor walks on the car and offers everyone who wants to move to SV for a small fee. I thought about myself at the time: “Hah! Look for fools. A new comfortable car, cleanliness, silence, inadequates are not observed. We are not bad here.

And then the boy begins to have severe diarrhea. He slides between the couch and the toilet, holding the bottom with both hands so that it does not break down the road. After a couple of hours he seemed to be humbled and fell asleep, but trouble came to him in a dream. In general, he sprinkled deliciously with the "dirty", woke up, then, naturally, confusion, tears. I also have tears in my eyes – I felt at that moment that my mom was feeding him exclusively with car tires.

In the end, I took advantage of the generous offer of the guide and moved to the SV. I decided that it was not necessary for the guy to add extra complexes and in general to somehow focus on the events of the last couple of hours. So I picked up my stuff and pretended I needed to go out at the nearest station, said goodbye and wished a quick recovery. The rest of the road solitude and fresh air, for which he thanked the ubiquitous corruption component.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna