— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Father’s friend is called by advertisers on mobile. The mobile phone on the site of arrival is displayed. The case in Omuri (which is important). Then the dialogue in translation, at that end judging by the accent - the black aunt (which is also very important).

Hello, can I talk to Mr. Panteleimon?
YYY: On the phone – no, not.
XXX Why?
YYY: He is dead.
XXX How?! to
yyy: He was caught, imprisoned, tortured and killed.
XXX in jail! Who is!! to
What does "who" mean? The government of course.
XXX: It can’t be.
YYY : Believe me. In the year 305 of our era. In the bondage. It is saint. The Martyr. You call the church.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna