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Briefly about my acquaintance with the IKEA self-service system:
Here that 25kg wheelchair and not fit on the same wheelchair is considered small (even if such cabinets you take 2) and you must pick it up from the warehouse to the delivery department (or pay 300 rubles for delivery there), which is 10 meters from the warehouse and already there to order delivery.
But this table weighing 15 kg, which can be taken in your hands and without a cart is considered large size and you even need to pick it up from the warehouse, and you can immediately go to the delivery department after paying for the goods.
What is interesting - the cost of delivery in both cases is the same, but in the second case, the money spent is compensated by the surprised persons of the charger, to whom no one from the delivery informed that it is necessary to lift it to the 9th floor, and the elevator does not work (even if you repeat this when registering twice).

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna