— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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For example, in the surgical department, where the masha nurse decided to go for a walk (for a very respectable reason, of course).
or a client manager in the bank (I don't know how this position is called), and as a result, a two-hour turn (hello collectors, RochtPassions, and other terrible places)
and may be an engineer masha, but masha can not be sent on a business trip, with a kid, let them wait for a week. Or two.
Oh! and may be a firefighter rescue masha (feminists passionately fight for the abolition of the law prohibiting women to be rescuers / firefighters). The burning house will wait, the victims in the accident too - Masha chooses children's food.

What is?
Have you been to the surgical department? The interchangeability of nurses is amazing.
"Customer Manager" I will not even answer. A stupid example
Yes, Masha-engineer is not sent on a business trip and believe me, everyone treats this normally, this greatly affects career growth and salary.
He killed the last one. You will decide with whom you are struggling, with ovulations or females, then these are different layers of female society, never even intersecting.
You are like the same feminists who write all the men into goats.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna