— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Fabula: Train Moscow - Ljov (Kursk region), a coupe car, one conductor and only a few passengers. Among them is a stereotypical hysterical woman, of the same sub-species of primates, which blows in a route at +40 ° C.

Naturally, the conductor is under constant shelling by claims from this passenger. The underwear was handed out raw, and the curve was sealed (yes, the passenger has the right to ask for the shelf) - call the train boss! The tea demanded - long carried, again to the boss of the train. In the toilet splashes on the mirror and dishwasher - urgently clean, not the call on the hot line of the railway.

As a result, the conductor, frankly borrowed, takes a spoonful, a bowl of cabbage cabbage and goes to the toilet. Having scattered a few clots on the walls, he goes out and goes in his rest.

Naturally, it doesn’t take minutes to hear the whisper from the toilet: “conductive-and-ick, is it something-o-o?“”

The conductor quietly goes back to the toilet.

What is that, I ask you! The passenger with outgoing eyes ticks her fingers into brown pieces.

- I don't know, it looks like shit, - the conductor answers melancholy. While the passenger absorbs air into her lungs for a new portion of the scream, the conductor touches the caviar with her finger, then lickes.

Yes, to be sure. It fucking.

The passenger did not bother her until the end of the flight.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna