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The American tester automated workflows to such an extent that after being fired from the company where he worked for six years, he realized that he had completely forgotten how to program. His story on Reddit caused extraordinary interest.

A user named FiletOFish1066 that he graduated from college in Computer Science seven years ago and then got a job as a QA specialist at one of the technology companies in the Bay Area of San Francisco. Having a programming background, the graduate in 8 months has mastered the work responsibilities so much that he has fully automated all processes.

“For six years I did nothing at work. I am not joking. For 40 hours each week, I went to the office, played League of Legends, browsed Reddit, and did whatever I could. During that time I devoted real work, maybe 50 hours. And no one cared about it, because the tests worked properly,” FiletOfFish1066 said.

He clarified that he had no friends in the office, and the tester only occasionally communicated with his boss and individual developers.

Lafa ended when management finally learned about his automated test scripts. Immediately after that, the tester was fired from the company. And he realized that he had completely forgotten programming.

“After these six years of doing nothing, I no longer know how to write good software. I have basically forgotten everything,” the tester regrets.

He noted that at the age of 28, he was left without work and knowledge, but with $200,000 on his bank account, which he managed to put off while living with his parents.

After receiving a wave of comments under the post, FiletOfFish1066 admitted that after a short break and a trip to Europe, he will learn “everything he forgot” again and start looking for a job in Silicon Valley companies.

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