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From the CPP :3
Today, June 8, is World Cat and Cat Day in St. Petersburg. For the first time in the city, cats appeared under Peter, the emperor issued a decree: "To have cats in the cages, for the protection of such and mice and rats of terror." At the time of the War of War, immediately after the lifting of the blockade, for the fight against rats and mice that destroy food supplies and spread the infection, a decree was issued: "To write out of the Yaroslavl region and bring smoked cats to Leningrad." Some of the cats were released immediately at the station, some were distributed by residents, witnesses remembered that there were so many people who wanted to take a cat that many did not have enough. It was said that in January 1944, a kitten in Leningrad cost 500 rubles.
The organizers of the holiday advise on this day to delight their furry friend with some delight, and all employers - to release employees by the name of Kotsov, Kochkin, Koshchkin earlier.

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