— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Once I had to come back from a nightclub walking through the city floor. All the money walked, time 4 in the morning, darkness and rain. He walked along an empty road, all prodrug.

And here stops a simple old foreigner. There is an elderly couple. They say sit down. I sat down and warm up. On empty roads in 20 minutes. My grandfather said, 200 rubles with you. I was a little unexpected of such a turn and began to feel the content of the empty pockets, and then I say: I have no penny. Here the grandmother began to be upset: that we carried you, gasoline was spent and you were a barrel, the elderly regretted, and in general the man could not sit in the car without money. What I said that you offered me to throw... Here my grandfather struck that everybody understands that it is necessary to pay for travel. Take off your clock or jacket.

During this burst, I sold the balls in my pockets, and here in the inner right pocket of the jacket, where I almost never put anything, a piece of paper was spotted. Having delivered it in the light of the lamp, I saw 500 rubles of a bank of hooks, which were lying there from a friend's wedding, they were distributed for the performance of competitions, and then they could participate in auctions with cake, etc. I was probably not a very active participant and they remained in the pocket.

I shouted joyfully like Archimedes, only in Russian, and passed it on to the elders. The grandmother pulled out the paper and looked at it first, then angrily at me, shouted: don't pretend, bad actress of you, because you knew about her, that, the conscience tortured? And waiting for the answer, I got somewhere 300 rubles and gave it to me. Take and chew the seat. - As you say, I cut off, and after taking the surrender dissolved in the darkness of the courtyards. The world is not without good people.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna