— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Almost in every big office there are people who cheat the boss about the mood in the team. Almost everywhere the whole group knows who it is. In our case, this lady is called "Comrade Major" and slightly trolled, but no one speaks out loud (due to natural stupidity, the aunt can't do serious harm). One day, the Comrade Major squeezed little and, in response, scratched off the offended colleague, including on the topic of "you, fucking, cheated the boss to knock!"

A couple of days later, the director, who at the time of the conflict was 300 km away in a business trip, called on the carpet of this colleague and long sanded on the topic of "Here you accuse Olga Borisovna of knocking, and she doesn't knock at all, completely; and themselves, inter alia, in the smoking room discussed how you want to be fired!". The director, it seems, never understood where he burned, but what is happening in the smoking machine in us only one person can hear from the workplace.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna