— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 23 - ]
and realistic:

You are surprisingly naive.
Separate home for bombers
There is a department for such
And about the hammer, it’s even more funny.


On the first point: you probably do not know what is "clean" nursery, and what is "infectious"? All unchecked women during pregnancy are automatically sent to the last category. Whether they are bombers or just ideological opponents of analysis – no one asks them. Infection in a clean nursery is a scandal and unplanned washing.

And on the second... I want to point out, not to mention the humility of medical staff, maybe it simply reflects the hatred of pregnant women in society? "Ovelia", "recreated", "why should I give up my place to a grandmother only because she doesn’t know how to protect herself", that’s all.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna