— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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How much money do doctors “wash” money? How do pills deal with what they don’t do to patients? Or tell them about how they often acquire them from the balls – themselves not knowing what they really need? How do you buy batches for 5 p., provided they wholesale them for 20k? Or tell you how to make contracts for 100,000. Rupees for nonsense 50% of which go to the main doctors in the pocket?
Well, if you want to get expensive doctors like in the United States, try to treat people, not slander them. For now, we can only lie down and die.
You just forget to say that all this is not done by doctors who work in the hospital or at the reception, but those who stand above them on the service ladder. The doctor-specialist does not decide what and how much to buy pills or something else that he bought, he treats. And how supplied and economists can shake their nerves when submitting applications - that is a fairy tale, ah.
And there is no need to speak for all doctors, you can think that in other professions there are no idiots.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna