— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 74 - ]
I remembered here how I chose the car... I call means, the girl answers... I play her.
Do you sell?
and yes!! to
What a box?
There is nothing!
In the sense of no?
and no. They cleaned it before the sale.
Oh girl, you didn’t understand. Do you have a machine or mechanic?
I don’t sell a washing machine!! to
“Baby, did you ride it yourself?
and yes!! to
And the gun?
Yes, and what is the difference?
How many pedals in the car?
Which ones?
I understand that the conversation will last a long time... I try not to laugh straight to the phone
The driver on the floor.
Wait, I will ask now.
Somewhere away...I hear a silenced male mat and the girl’s screams:
I lost that paper!!No to ORI!Enables loud communication and returns to the cable.
– 2nd
Okay, what is the driving? The Left?
Why the Left??? Nothing has changed in it!! Everything was like it was in the room!!! to
Are you a blonde?
and no.
And on her backdrop shouts the same man’s voice – DAAA!!!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna