— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A guy who is afraid to meet on the street is rightly afraid. In the vast majority of cases, your girl will be burdensome, and she will try to get rid of you. Well, simply because on the street try to meet usually not very interesting individuals of your sex. If you really want to, then print a visit card with your phone or soap, and you just like it, say, you are beautiful and I want to get to know you, you probably have little time now, but I hope that you will call me / write me, offer a visit card and you can some bit like a little chocolate. Give, and go, don’t stand over your soul (unless she says she has time now). Girls are curious creatures, and many will like that you don’t press them right there. "To swear" will be more than the obsessive "and my mind your phone", filled with a puddle "your mother's son-in-law does not need" and other shadows. is verified.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna