— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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He worked in an organization where an additional load appeared once a year in the form of loading-unloading-sorting several thousand books. Before me the team was 100% female, "in the season" just all together a little bit of these books were engaged. As soon as I got to this job (by the word, to the position with the lowest salary in the department) - except me nobody touched the books and the finger. And this is not in the private self-determination, but in the budget institution. But it’s just what "A man is obliged to do!"

I bet that the female collective in the budget institution at least washed the windows twice a year, the shelves were wiped out of dust and other "sabbaths" were engaged even without thanks. Because they are survivors, survivors. Successfully washed to the private, no more cleaning on its own in the office. To do this, they hire a cleaner and pay with money, not words about “women’s duties.”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna