— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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There, on the text, the man himself is cooking pellet and does not make any claims - where did you get the housewife again?? to

He cooked, but did not clean up: the remaining pellets were not cleaned in the refrigerator, the pot was not washed. Who will clean? Of course, you can wait until life begins in the pellets. By the way, to repair the rosettes: there is not written that he has to repair them himself. Electricity may call. And the matter is not who owes to whom, but that if they agree with your request, but in the end do not fulfill it causes a repeat request. Listened many times and not performed many times, it causes irritation. And here she sounds already with irritation and comes up genius:"You’re drunk me". I can’t chew, I can do everything myself, but then we go to the harams and just fuck. Good and quality. We can talk more.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna