— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Two disputes in one.

In my opinion, to say that underwear and swimwear are fundamentally different things - it is the same as to suddenly decide that ordinary socks are inappropriate, but fast-drying synthetic can already shine in the public in specially dedicated places.

And trying to infuse everyone in a row, and especially children, the shame and prohibition of the naked human body is generally a direct path to the upbringing of psychopaths and maniacs, can not be all normal in the head of a person who considers inappropriate his own body, in which he lives.

And no, the absence of rejection and shame in the face of the naked body does not lead to public nudity and other oddities, if in the process of education to talk about social norms, and not about the fact that under the clothes you are all so disgraceful and you should be ashamed that it is all there.

The human body is beautiful.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna