— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I read "Moscow and Moscovici" by Gillarovsky:

Moving the garden. The earth is suddenly in turmoil. In all the streets
Carriers, cowboys, hamsters climb horses and cling to the very sidewalks. My car stopped at the corner of the garden.
The bell rings far away.
The driver turned to me and whispered frightened:
The Cullers! See also!
The bells are flooding nearby, the thunder and screams are heard.
Along the Sadowa, on the side of Sukharevka, one after the other two rage furiously.
beautiful identical red three in identical new short carriages.
On the one and on the other - rough jammers, in hats with pavilion feathers, with
Gigantic and whispering knots. In each three, two identical
Passenger: on the left the gendarme in the gray shiny, and on the right the young man in the
The State.
The angry three broke, and the street took the usual appearance.
Who is this? I ask.
and gendarmes. From Peter to Siberia. The important ones.
The newcomer goes first. This is his best three. The cooler.

100 years have passed and nothing has changed.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna