— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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2069, did you have anything there, borsunov for morality?
In truth, everything that is not expressly forbidden is permitted. There are rules of public order, they cannot be violated. Anything in these rules is possible. If there is no sign prohibiting lying on the lawn, you can lie there. I don’t like it, PNJ. No one is obliged to follow your rules and will not. Give them all to your hotels. Your task - saw the offence "push in the whistle". No more than that. You have no right to demand anything from someone.
How can you stop something you don’t like? He came and was sent far away. Next What? The dress? You will be sent to the same place - they will not be able to draw up a protocol in the absence of a crime. Do you force? Well, you take into account that you can suffer yourself, and this is just a violation of the same order and the protocol you can already get.
Therefore whisper in the teeth, and push your puritanism deeper.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna