— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ]
Ka: ordered in the innet store books for work
7.02 and more
And they go down and down.
I called them, the girl promised to call again "tomorrow" (it was 5.03) - and didn't call back, right now

Khao: In general, I was offended and sent them a letter with words like “I understand that not everywhere a day is equal to 24 hours. On Venus, for example, a day is equal to 243 Earth days, so if your online store is on Venus, it explains everything (Venus Express, for example, took 153 days to get there from Earth; I suspect I will have to wait for about the same amount of time).

KAI: They had to write that "Mariner-2" arrived in 110 days, so in the trail. Let them send them.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna