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And do you know that this Thursday under the noise of the Law of Yarova was signed another one, called "On the Basics of the Crime Prevention System in the Russian Federation".

Its essence lies in the fact that months after 3, when it comes into effect, such comrades will have the full right to draw the attention of the police to you, if according to him, comrades, your behavior, your appearance and you yourself deviate from the generally accepted norms of morality and principles. And after that, you can be placed on a preventive account in the police, as a drug addict or a dropout. With all the charms of this "pophylaxis".
And taking into account what, for the most part, people go to these very "friends", the prospects are drawn not the most rainbow.

Are you still arguing? I would advise you to break off the last three months, then it will be harder with it.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna