— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Just my mom, the year so in 2000-2001, I was then 9-10 years old, decided to put me the example of my friend's son, I then brought three from school, and he five. I was written:

- Dimka, out, good, the fifth brought, not what you, the three-man! (To put it, I wasn’t a trio!) always at 4.5 and only occasionally three)..- And so I was offended immediately that the answer was found by itself, and instantly.

- And Dimkin's mommy, wow, good - the salary is huge, not what you are!

I didn’t know what to expect after these words, but I immediately regretted that they broke out of my lips... as the saying goes, “the word is not a whore.” But my mother didn’t scream, she apologized. She said I was right and that she shouldn’t compare me to anyone. I apologized very sincerely too.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna