— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My friend and I have been in contact since school for many years, always together, almost like brothers.

By the way, a friend has about 65 000 rubles. He is not married and lives alone. I have 35 000 rubles. Wife and child.

Once we met on the street, I went out of the store, he came in the car and asked for money to borrow for gasoline, asked for 500 rubles, said tomorrow will give 100%.

I show my wallet and say that I have the last thousand rubles, and I have almost a week to go. He says, no question, I’ll give it tomorrow.

In fact, it was 3 years ago. We are 5 minutes walk from each other. More than this person I have hardly seen or heard.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna