— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My wife works in RJD. He writes a letter:
Planned at MAZ. As always, hard on the mates.
Everything as usual - tasks were distributed, broken up, intertwined... One master stands up here and let the problems be loaded - he gave tasks, and how to do, from what - h.z. There is no metal - from what to forge???? to

Then he replied, “Why do you get me with this metal?” The Axis!!" (the people are starting to hike)
Master: “We are Ivan Ivanovich, we have been soaking for almost a month, but the question is to be resolved!”!" (the people are in shock :))
ZAM: "Yes, no, you didn’t understand – you also have the axes married – here are the ones and the who!!!!" (stunned and prolonged applause)
Get out of the table and add :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna