— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I wish the developers and manufacturers of computers and software that every new woman is incompatible with their genitals and requires surgery for upgrading, that their wives each year demand more and more powerful resources both financial and physical in bed, that their children digest all resources and grow in geometric progression occupying all the free space, and that their pets bring new viruses and infect the whole family each day by digesting all the food and furniture in the house.
Take an example from an electric light bulb - a lot of different technologies (coal thread, tungsten, mercury lamp, neon, diode, halogen and only two standards for ordinary users - ordinary and minion, and not so many industrial (for lamps, auto, etc.). You have some progress with backward compatibility (USB 1-2-3) and several other standards such as CD diameter and only. Make at least adapters or switchers. So it is necessary to pursue profit if progress in the same games and so makes you change the iron once every 1-2 years. Wouldn’t it be better if a lot of people would often change part of the iron than rarely everything at once?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna