— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Prehistory: on a small street, which in the morning half-city traffic jams, set a lightfork and now on this street also a traffic jams, which impatient drivers (and we ourselves, when we are very in a hurry, what sin to hide) drive along the side.
The own history. Leha, our unique individual, somehow standing in this traffic jamming, sparked a just anger against the “hateful sidelines” and suggested that everyone together make a statement to the GIBDD. When we reasonably noticed to him that the gaiters of his affairs have enough and the fate of this "statement" is ghosty and foggy, he said that he would not calm down and "connect the press to this matter." And, indeed, about a week later on the local TV channel in the news appeared a report, where a boycott journalist right from the scene of events told about the heroic struggle of the brave GIBDD with the bad sidewalkers on this street, and in the background appeared the sad face of Lehi, who was fined.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna