— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My husband and I lived at NPS while he worked there (station, several houses and a store). He was registered for pregnancy in his hometown 70 km away, where his parents live. At the time we were married for a year, we went to our parents for a weekend in the bathroom and almost never went anywhere there.

I came to the hospital, the doctor told me on the trip on Thursday to come tomorrow, but until the nurse fills my card. I have no hurry, I think I will go out tomorrow morning, the doctor will see me and finally go to my husband.

The same day, 15. Call from the hospital "Come now, the doctor is waiting for you." and oh! This is luck! A few words about the hospital: three doctors - a dentist, a therapist and a gynecologist (she is a pediatrician) several nurses, a registrar and those staff.

I quickly came in and went to the office. Here something begins!

Seven more people followed me in the office. All staff of the hospital. Two sat next to me on the couch, two at the nurse, three at the door. This is, for a moment, at the reception at the gynecologist. Everyone just looked at me. There was an absolute silence for half a minute, and then the doctor spoke.

B – Who is your husband?

In the map is written

They look at each other.

Can you tell me what their parents are called?

I am Michael and Nina

B – (pulling the palms slippery) Well it’s right! ! to ! to Why do you say that you are married if you are not?

I was married a year ago (I show my passport)

There is confusion in the collective, an indescribable evil on my side. I am a man with hardness, I sit and wait for the continuation.

You know that he has a bride, they’ve been dating for six years and they’re getting married in a month!

I’m even going to this wedding.))) his younger brother marries

Someone in the crowd:

Deevkiya, Nina has three children!

Blythe exactly!

He was the one who left after school, and we forgot about him.

Okay, let’s go drink tea.

The crowd leaves in some disappointment.

A gentle smile on the doctor’s face.

You’re good, so let’s talk like the stomach, don’t you hurt?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna