— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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<X'san'cor> In general, there are a lot of demanded jobs that the corporate world needs.
<H'san'cor> But for the time being is afraid to admit it
<H'san'cor> Police for instance
<H'san'cor> Who finds people who put meetings on 10 people for 2 hours without an agenda
<H'san'cor> And fuck them
<H'san'cor> by foot
<H'san'cor> Track all meetings longer than an hour in the calendars of all negotiations
<X'san'cor> And cancel their nahuy if there is no clear what to discuss even half an hour
<H'san'cor> Well and so on
<monkeyhead> you were visited by the police
<monkeyhead> today without a fine
<monkeyhead> but in the meantime fuck up and don’t assemble for 3 hours

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna