— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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There is in Sony smartphones (not surprising that in others too, it was just the case with Sony), in the gallery such a thing. It’s called “the best moments of your life,” or something in that spirit. The smartphone processes photos taken over a week/month, and under sweet romantic music shows you a slide show.

Every scratched time my smartphone hit me with a man’s tear when I took it in my hands, opened the gallery, clicked on “Best Moments of the Week,” and it showed me pictures of server cabinets from different angles under sweet music, stickers with serial books on candles, network sockets, a couple of monitors, when lazy to make a screen, and so on. In the end, I decided that I couldn’t suffer so much anymore, and gave the smartphone to my wife, and took the simple Rnylirs, who just silently digests the photos I’ve taken, instead of stepping every time over my “adventure-filled life.”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna