— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I sincerely hope that this quote has been made up to laugh at the stupidity of the homophobic mommy. Otherwise, how stupid you are, man, it’s just incomprehensible to the mind. How, in your opinion, has homosexuality reached our days, if the inability of homosexuals to reproduce should lead to their extinction?

I answer. A long time ago, in the 90s, when the gay movement in Russia was just beginning to be legalized, I saw one broadcast.
There the host invited a guy, looking absolutely normal, not manned, who admitted that he was blue.
And he talked so beautifully about the blue life, and about the fact that true love and friendship only exists between two men, that the host said:
– You’re so interesting, maybe I’ll be blue too?
What this guy replied:
If everyone is blue, who will give birth to the new ones?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna