— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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You’re like a ‘fighting girlfriend’ you need, but to wear a princess’s cloth. In order not in the "coats-jeans" (what is this "coats") - but in the micro-shorts, and on heels, and curls so that they swing in the wind... you yourself try in such types "in the fight" go, right? Aion is some kind of, fast-paced, where the characters of the female gender will jump through the woods and on the slopes on the spikes, thief. be consistent. You want a "fighting girlfriend" - don't look for a "delicate flower". Do you think of the "air conditioning"? Please do not descend from the white horse. And everyone will be fine.

Girl, let’s take these shorts. Even on the girl in the cross jeans is not written what she is in the relationship. In sight, a 100% boy can run out on an empty spot, jealous and control each step of a partner. Less such a Korean random in life.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna