— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My friend used to work in the police. Of course it happened at work.

Lots of funny cases. One day he patrolled the area with his

by "Bobby" Later on, there were few people on the street, nothing.

and suspicious. We headed to the street, on which there were four streets.

movement in both directions. And this prospect is divided by the rearborist. They go

in the first row, the speed is small, and observe this picture: Young

A girl walks past an underground crossing, and suddenly two boys run by.

She pulls out her hand bag and looks at the "bobby" passing by.

They flee to the transition, to the other side. Myths are not allowed.

The Dispatcher. My friend wanted to jump out of the car and run after them.

But here the driver of the bobik, (and he is from Ukraine) cried loudly:

Guys keep up!! to

After which he directed the "Bobik" to the transit... Down and passing through

The transition, he also quietly "crossed" the stairs on the other side!

These guys, who ran with a bag hundred meters from the transit, were not in a hurry.

Walked on the sidewalk. They were so upset when they flew behind them.

Wasik, and they were right on the sidewalk and packed...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna