— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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When my girlfriend and I were 13 years old, she began to gain weight. Her parents worried, began to drive the doctors, gave a lot of money for examination and treatment. As they claimed, she ate little, nothing harmful like sausage and mayonnaise they did not eat in the family. And she became more and more. And at one point, a friend stopped letting go, to my questions she answered unambiguously: punished. As it turned out, she went to the store, bought a bunch of food and hid, ate at night and when there was no one at home. In order not to burn, all the packaging was not thrown into the home basket, but brought a separate garbage bag into the closet and thrown all the waste there. It all started with Coca-Cola, chips and chocolate, ended with pizza, fast food and beat packs. Naturally, it all began to smell and home began to look for the source of the smell. And they found, in the closet a huge black garbage bag, which occupied the floor of the closet, and was filled under the bandage. Her parents wept, why the daughter is fat, they immediately understood, the puzzle came up, my girlfriend got puzzles. After half a year, she was back in shape.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna