— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I did not hold:
"fire in the hole" is an idiom, and it is not translated. Nothing at all! In terms of meaning, the most correct meaning is "beware of the explosion", but it is not very clear how it should be taken care of. And all because in the Russian lexicon there is no such command in which you need to immediately hide in a shelter, close your eyes, shut your ears and open your mouth.

Here, we already mentioned the command "flash to the left / flash to the right", to which any soldier should respond appropriately. The “granate!” will also come down. But it seems to me that in the Russian language a more complete analogue, it is simple, universal, and understandable to all "set up!" You can swallow when you see a grenade without a check, and when you see a burning balloon with propane.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna