— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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But not! At first we don’t bother to think about the future, and then we say, “The Pandas are wrong, do me good.”

We have no environment, no. and all. Pandus if there are, do not walk on them, if the pandus is not railroad, but a hill, then it is either a hellish slope, or a dumb-loved granite by urban planners, which in the winter is wildly slippery and the rails to it do not shake like on the stairs. I was told recently how people took the TC, a aunt came, got a wheelchair from the trunk and went, wrote so many comments and rejections. All of! to rework. Somewhere they put it on their feet and everything remains as it is. And it’s not just about the wheelchairs, we’ll survive the first two years of a child’s life. What to do with disabled wheelchairs?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna