— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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One of my acquaintances can’t find a companion of life, she’s cute, a good figure and to this day I thought she’s smart..The thing is that no matter how she tried, no matter what men she met, everyone runs away from her in the morning. From despair, she went to the extrasensus, removing the crown of unmarriage, wearing money to him, and he cleanses all her black circles. I met her a few days ago and she told me:

- Oh, soon all my life will be fine, because not in vain so much money took away, say, happiness is close.

I could not stand it and put out the whole mother-truth. From my acquaintance it smells very strongly, although not, it smells of her! It smells like a mile. At home, the mess is constant, the bathroom trousers are dirty, and everything smells! Instead of the crown of unmarriage, she needs to remove the crown.

She was offended and put me out of the door. Today he calls and says:

My extra-sense said that you are taking away my marriage energy. I will not communicate with you anymore, and my smell is my excellence, my smell will come male. and all.

The Samurai! The man, the fuck!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna